April 2021


2021 General Shareholders'Meeting

  • 09h30 - 10h30
  • France
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April 2021

  • 09h30 - 10h30
  • France
  • #
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About this event

Icade's 2021 General Shareholders' Meeting was held on April23, 2021. You can find all the documents and presentations on this page.

As indicated in the press release of 19 March 2021, the Board of Directors, at its meeting held on March 12, 2021, decided to hold the Combined General Meeting of April 23, 2021 at 9.30 a.m. behind closed doors, outside the physical presence of shareholders and other persons entitled to attend.


Frédéric Thomas

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Olivier Wigniolle

Former Chief Executive Officer (2015-2023)

Victoire Aubry

Former Chief Financial Officer