
Follow the share's performance, shareholder structure and the list of analysts following the stock.


Icade does not carry out any online canvassing and does not offer any investment of financial product to individuals. If you are contacted by contracts claiming to be Icade, do not follow up on the proposals made to you. In in doubt, you can visit ou contact page.

Chargement ...

Capital allocation

As of August 31st, 2024, Icade capital stood at €116,203,258.54 divided in 76,234,545 shares.


Was approved at the General Shareholders' Meeting of April 19th, 2024

Amount of dividend paid per share

+11.8% on the dividend for 2022

Dividend yield

based on the share price as of December 31, 2023

Interim dividend

€2.42 per share paid on March 6 2024, with an ex-dividend date on March 4 2024

Final dividend

€2.42 per share has been paid on July 4 2024, with an ex-dividend date on July 2 2024

Keys figures

Commercial Property Investment Portfolio
€6.5 Bn
EPRA NTA (per share)
Property development revenue
€1.29 Bn

Shareholders' FAQ

  • Icade is an "SIIC", what does the term mean ?

    "SIIC" means "Listed Real Estate Investment Company", inspired by US REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts), which are subject to a particular tax regime. Icade adopted the SIIC status in 2007 after its IPO. This status enables Icade to be exempt from corporate tax on the results derived from its rental activity, its capital gains from sales and the dividends it receives from subsidiaries that are subject to the SIIC regime.

    In exchange, the company has an obligation to distribute to its shareholders 95% of the exempt earnings derived from rental of buildings, 60% of the exempt earnings derived from sales of buildings and 100% of the dividends paid by the subsidiaries that have opted for the SIIC regime.

  • Are there double voting rights?

    Voting rights attached to shares are proportional to the percentage of capital they represent, and each share gives the right to one vote. There are therefore no double voting rights.

  • What are the conditions for taking part in the General Meeting?

    Any shareholder, regardless of the number of shares held, may take part in the General Meeting.
    In accordance with Article R. 225-85 of the French Commercial Code, shareholders must provide proof of ownership of their shares by midnight (Paris time) on the second business day before the General Meeting (record date):
    - for registered shareholders, by the registration of their shares in the Company's records on that date
    - for bearer shareholders, by the registration of their shares in their name or in the name of the intermediary registered on their behalf, no later than this date, in the securities account held by the banking or financial intermediary that manages their account. Registration of the shares in the share account must be evidenced by a certificate of participation issued by the authorised intermediary. You will find below a form for requesting a certificate of participation to be sent to the financial institution where your bearer shares are deposited. Once obtained, this certificate must be attached to the postal or proxy voting form, or to the request for an admission card, sent by the authorised intermediary to Icade's agent: SOCIETE GENERALE SECURITIES SERVICES, 32 rue du Champ de Tir - CS 30812 - 44308 NANTES cedex 3.

Learn more


Anne-Violette Faugeras

Head of financing and investor relations

Investor Relations